Excursion 2022 - There’s More to Life

Today’s problems will not be solved with the same thinking that created them. That is why, now more than ever, we need a bold approach that steps out of traditional thinking and draws its inspiration from the only true model of sustainability - the only system that has figured out how to thrive on this planet for nearly four billion years.



In July 2022, we are launching our first Biomimicry Excursion in partnership with Canadian Mountain Helicopters. For four days, you and nine others will explore some of the most remote and beautiful places on earth. You will experience nature from a new lens. You will learn the ways in which biomimicry is harnessing nature’s genius to inspire new technologies that are more efficient, sustainable, and often more beautiful. And you will learn how to translate nature’s time-tested strategies to solve some of your own professional and personal challenges.

As a past student commented, these are truly “world-changing ideas”.

This will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. With a world-leader in the field of biomimicry, we will blend beauty, adventure, luxury and fresh thinking to create an experience that has the potential to transform your world and worldview. And with a world in desperate need of bold thinking, new ideas, and a sustainable model, there is no greater time than now and no greater mentor than the natural world.

Learn how to listen to and leverage the natural ways for thriving on this planet.


Your experience will be lead by Jamie Miller. Jamie is the Director of Biomimicry at B+H Architects, the Founder of Biomimicry Frontiers, an award-winning sustainability consultancy, and the Founder of the Biomimicry Commons, a 2019 “World Changing” education and incubation platform. He holds a PhD in engineering, which focused on systems-level biomimicry and urban resilience, was the program director for OCAD University’s biomimicry program and is a two-time TEDx speaker. Everything he does is driven by a passion for bridging the built and natural environments and inspiring greater harmony between us and the rest the natural world. Much of his work is derived from a deep reverence of, and relationship with, Indigenous Elders (the original biomimetic thinkers) and Janine Benyus, the woman who originally coined the term, biomimicry.


  • If you need an adventure

  • If you feel like things could (should) be different

  • If you recognize that nature holds the best ideas for how to live and work on this planet but want the tools and practice to harness and practically apply these ideas

  • If you have the desire to create a practice/profession that is inspired by nature

  • If you want to drive your business or your industry towards a bold, sustainable future

  • If you want to find a community of passionate sustainable thinkers

  • If you just want to have a once-in-a-lifetime experience in some of the most beautiful country on earth

  • If you’re looking for practical ways to sustainably move forward


For more information and registration, check out: https://www.cmhsummer.com/biomimicry-workshop/

Spots are limited. And they’re filling up quickly.

A trailer from our pilot excursion in 2019 (pre-covid disruption), Creemore, Ontario


Proudly Announcing our Partnership with B+H Architects


National Day of Truth and Reconciliation